Team Member Northern Illinois Critical Incident Stress Team Sugar Grove, Illinois, United States
Today’s First Responders and their families are paying a cost, a much higher price than we realize to serve the public. The costs are truly measurable; in human terms, domestic relationships work, home and much more. It is people. The human toll before and since 9-11 across ALL responders in our nation are mounting at exponential rates. We must NOT allow this alarming trend to continue. It is not enough to by the “shiny new things” but, rather an investment in the absolute most important element, our people. We have lost responders and thousands in peril, they are hurting. We must come up to the realization that it must be people first, our people. We can train to respond, but often get overwhelmed when the lights go out, the sirens are silenced, we never get a chance to breathe and become normal, again. They never get switched off.
*Profession Specific CEs
This presentation is approved for 1.5 PDH from EAPA- Employee Assistance Professionals Association.
1 CE Credits for NAADAC, This course has been approved by International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF), as a NAADAC Approved Education Provider, for educational credits. NAADAC Provider # 87914, International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF), is responsible for all aspects of the programing.
*Review ICISF World Congress 17 CE website page for additional requirements.
Learning Objectives:
How Organizational Mindsets must be changed to survive in the future
Resilience and lessons learned in the decades since 9-11 will be shared with the audience.